In 2016, fellow violinists Natalie Boberg and Sam Chung enrolled in the Colburn Community School’s Youth Orchestra. Over boba after rehearsals and passing time at Grand Central Market before lessons, the two quickly became friends. Little did they know they would become musical collaborators for years to come.
Passionate about bringing people together through the arts, they were inspired to curate concerts. And so in 2018, the Magari Ensemble was born. In 2021, Magari relocated to Boston and redefined its mission as an interdisciplinary ensemble merging talented artists with the community. Roz Lindsey joined the ensembles’ forces to cultivate support in Boston and keep Natalie and Sam from butting heads about marketing materials. Seeing the beautiful effects of collaboration and boundless thinking, Magari is committed to presenting concerts that embrace collaboration, innovation, diversity, and learning.